Order cancellation

All orders can be canceled until they are shipped. If your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, you must contact us within 12 hours. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be canceled.



WatchPreme hopes you will be satisfied with every purchase you make. But if you want to return an item, returns must be prearranged and authorized by a Customer Support.

Item must be returned unused in its original condition. The packaging must not be broken wherever applicable. We cannot accept returns under these circumstances.

  1. It is beyond the 30-Day Money Back Guarantee Period.
  2. Seasonal items (e.g. Easter, Halloween, Christmas, etc.) after the event date are included in the order.
  3. The detailed size chart is included in the description. The size you choose does not fit you well.
  4. Customer has changed their mind.

You may return most new, unopened items with original tags and packaging, sold and fulfilled by WatchPreme.com within 10 days of shipping for a partial refund. However, some products have different policies or requirements associated with them.

If you aren’t satisfied with your purchase:  you may be eligible for a return or exchange depending on the situation and the type of item you have purchased. We reserve all the rights to charge a handling fee on all items returned for non-quality issues.

If we shipped you the wrong item: You have two options:

  1. exchanging it for the correct item, or
  2. returning it for a full refund. Customers must confirm their eligibility for an exchange or return with our customer support team before sending the items back. In many cases, you have 3 days after dispatch of your order to contact our customer support and request a return or exchange. Make sure to read the Product-Specific policies below for more details (when applicable) and exceptions.

If an item is missing from your order: Contact our customer support team to inform about the missing item from your order. Once we confirmed that an item was missing, we will offer a full refund of the item value or initiate the replacement process.

If your package is lost during shipping: Contact Customer Support Team to inform us you didn’t receive your package. Once we confirm with the courier company that your package is lost, we will offer a refund or resend the items.

If we shipped you a defective or damaged item: You are eligible for a full refund or exchange. At the time of requesting a refund, please provide the photographs clearly showing the problem with the item and your order number to our Customer Support Team. If you believe your item was damaged during shipping, Customer Support will need photographs showing the damaged packaging as well as “Proof of Damage” documentation to process your exchanging or refund. Alternatively, you can open the item in front of the delivery person and if you find that it’s damaged during shipping, you can reject it WatchPreme will ship you a new item at the earliest date possible.

“The 30-Day Money Back Guarantee” is available under following circumstances:

  1. Item must be returned to us with proof of purchase such as Order ID, Invoice ID, Transaction ID within 30 calendar days from the date of dispatch.
  2. Return must be authorized by WatchPreme via phone call or email.
  3. Item must be returned in its original & resell condition; the packaging must not be broken where applicable.
  4. Return postage and handling is the buyer’s responsibility.
  5. Refund does not include original shipping cost. The refund method will be determined by WatchPreme.

Where “The 30-Day Money Back Guarantee” is not available, or “The 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee” period is expired.

A. Return of Non-Broken Item within Warranty Period

  1. WatchPreme may reject any returns under the below circumstance at our discretion:
    • The detailed size chart is included in the description. The size you choose does not fit you well.
    • The 30-Day Money-back Guarantee period is expired.
    • The order was placed by mistake but wasn’t canceled within 12 hours.
  2. Return must be authorized by WatchPreme via phone call or email.
  3. Item must be returned to us with proof of purchase such as Order ID, Invoice ID, Transaction ID.
  4. Item must be returned in its original and resell condition and packaging must not be broken or damaged where applicable
  5. Return postage and handling is the buyer’s responsibility
  6. Under any circumstances, we will not refund the original shipping cost

B. Return of Broken Item within Warranty Period

  1. Refer to Warranty Policy for warranty information.
  2. Return must be authorized by WatchPreme via phone call or email.
  3. Item must be returned to us with proof of purchase such as Order ID, Invoice ID, Transaction ID.
  4. Item must be returned in reasonable condition and original packaging where possible, and must include all accessories unless approved by WatchPreme otherwise.
  5. Return postage and handling is the buyer’s responsibility


Warranty Policy

  1. We offer 1 year Warranty to all our products from the time of purchase.
  2. All warranties are back-to-base warranties.
  3. Where applicable, the warranty offered for the products sold by WatchPreme is the manufacturer’s warranty, and therefore warranty-related enquires must be made directly to the manufacturer.
  4. Where there is no manufacturer’s warranty available, WatchPreme offers the warranty.
  5. In the event of a warranty claim, regardless of manufacturers’ or WatchPreme’s warranty, all warranty-related shipping costs (both ways) are the buyer’s responsibility, unless, in the event of Dead On Arrival (DOA), or incorrect handling by us, we will pay for all warranty-related shipping costs.
    • DOA or incorrect items must be returned to us for testing and verification within 7 days of initial shipping.
    • If DOA item is tested to be working, it will be returned to you at your own cost.
    • If DOA item is not received by us within 7 days of initial shipping, it will be treated as a normal warranty item.
  6. WatchPreme’s warranty is limited to replacement, repair or refund of the item, to be determined by WatchPreme.
  7. Warranty does NOT apply to damages as a result of misuse of any form or improper care by the user.
  8. If a refund is determined by WatchPreme to be necessary, we will NOT refund the original shipping cost.
  9. Warranty does NOT cover normal wear and tear, or damages caused by or resulting from any form of misuse or improper use by the user.

You can submit refund requests within 30 days after shipping. You can do it by contacting our Customer support or send a mail to [email protected]